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撒贝宁的十句经典语录 1. 当你被一种东西吸引时

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1. 当你被一种东西吸引时,就一定要努力去争取。

When you are attracted to something, you must strive to get it.

2. 每个人表达爱的方式不一样,从生活的相互照顾当中你感受到了幸福,这就是对爱最好的诠释。

Everyone expresses love differently. You feel happy from taking care of each other in life, which is the best interpretation of love.

3. 如果命运是世界上最烂的编剧,那么你就要争取,做你人生中最好的演员。

If fate is the worst screenwriter in the world, then you must strive to be the best actor in your life.

4. 当你攥紧拳头的时候,你手里可能是空空如也,什么也拿不到;但是当你摊开双手的时候,你拥有的将是全世界。

When you clench your fist, you may find nothing in your hand; but when you open your hands, you will hold the whole world.

5. 你努力的样子,藏着父母晚年的幸福。

Your hard work hides the happiness of your parents in their old age.

6. 自己就像被人踹了一脚,心里却很感激,终于有人帮自己做了决定,这或许是一生中最重要的决定。

I felt like I was kicked, but I was very grateful. Finally, someone helped me make a decision, which might be the most important decision in my life.

7. “不要输在起跑线”这句话,我是不会赞同的,因为只有百米赛跑才会在乎起跑,而人生是一场马拉松比赛,只有最先跑到终点的那一位才是人生的赢家。

I don't agree with the phrase "Don't lose at the starting line" because only the 100-meter race cares about the starting point, while life is a marathon race, and only the one who reaches the finish line first is the winner of life.

8. 人生不是一个完美的圆环,一旦完美,你就再没有任何可能性。

Life is not a perfect circle. Once it is perfect, you have no more possibilities.

9. 永远充满激情,相信第一名就是我的!

Always be passionate and believe that the first place is mine!

10. 梦想一定要有成为现实的基础。

Dreams must have a foundation to become reality.